How to conduct engaging music classes for children aged 0-5 and support their development, even if you don't have musical education?

If you want to give support to children you have under your care...

If you are frustrated with lack of a brief, high quality course which shows teachers and caregivers how to use music during lessons with children aged 0-5...
...or if you heard about E.E. Gordon's music learning theory and you wish to learn its basic rules...

...than I have good news for You!

In this course I will show you, step by step, how to develop young children musically, using E.E. Gordon's theory. And this means you don't have to search anymore!

Improve your skills and learn how to effectively and in a short time support the development of a young child through music!

Every child should be surrounded by music as soon as possible. This means one shouldn't rely on professional musicians in the area of developing the youngest musically. Rather than that - one should treat professional music classes as an addition to the process which should start at home and child care facilities.

Your ability to support children's development through music will give them one of the most valuable elements in early childhood! And no – you don't have to be a musician to do that. Although ability to sing is most welcome.

Perhaps now it sounds too good to be true...

...but over the last 15 years I had the chance to help hundreds of parents and teachers to support the development of babies and toddlers...

...and today, I can help You!

Join my online course for teachers, caregivers and parents "How to teach music to babies & children aged 0-5 and why it's worth it!"

My course "How to teach music to babies & children aged 0-5 with and why it's worth it!" is a carefully designed online course which shows, step by step, how to use the power of music in child's development by making music daily; thanks to this:

you save time and get specific instructions;
child is given a stimulating environment for growth in their early years;
you improve you skills.

The course is based on my original method F.I.K.A.M & G.R.A.M.

F - Fakty (Facts)

You have to know the critical periods, method of learning music and why music is the foundation for the child's growth.

I - Instrument

Don't let it fool you. It's not about instruments such as drums or the such, but YOUR VOICE. The most important instrument!

K - Konsekwencja 

Do you need to spend a lot of time on making music together? No, you don't. But you need to be consistent and keep to a few rules.

A -Audiacja 

Our goal is to teach the child to internally realise (mentally process) music – we want them to understand and use it as effortlesly as language.

M - Możesz 
(You CAN!)

YES, YOU. No, you don't have to be a musician or have musical education. All you need is basic, verified theory and my tips put into practice!

G - Gordon

The application of the Gordon's theory guarantees that your child will be appropriately introduced to music!

It's the only scientifically examined method of developing through music!

R - Ruch 

Movement is absolutely crutial!

Only through movement can the child understand rhythm.

A- Atrakcyjność 

Attractiveness in the form of different styles, melodies, rhythms, or colourful aids is a guarantee of fun for both the child and You!

M - Melodia 

Let little ones listen to the melody! Lyrics are of secondary importance. Why is it important and how to do it? Learn more in my online course!

Is this the course for you?

The online course 'How to teach music to babies & children aged 0-5 and why it's worth it!' is made for you, if:

you are tired of searching for best possible activities for children,
you want to learn a verified and comprehensive method to support child's develoment,
you want to improve your skills and gain knowledge how to conduct valuable classes for
children under your care.

In that case this online course is PERFECT for you, becuase it is based on research and long-standing experience.

If you want a professional support to ensure the best development of your pupils through music – my course is for You. I will show you, step by step, that the best and quickest way to develop child's potential is to make music every day using E.E. Gordon's music learning theory. Thanks to this theory I helped many parents and teachers and I can help You!

However, this online course IS NOT for you, if:

You are not willing to actively engage in the course and do the excersices.

If you really want to support your pupils in development you need specific set of skills. And one of the ways to get them is practice and action. Your goal is to interact with children and spend time together making music!

You expect a magical method to turn your pupils into musicians in an instant.

Our goal isn't to produce geniouses. Our goal is to use the power of music in the comprehensive development of children and enabling them to use their natural talents and potential!

Here are some opinions of our participants:

Joanna Kaźmierczak (mama 16 miesięcznego synka, pedagog, terapeutka, instruktorka rytmiki)

"The online course 'How to teach music to babies & children aged 0-5 and why it's worth it!' conducted by Mrs. Karolinia Kizińska is rich in content and inspiration in the field of musically developing babies according to E.E. Gordon's musicl learning theory.

The course is full of concrete, substantive knowledge on the highest level. The materials and instruction videos are easy to follow, clear and creative.

Thanks to the enclosed videos you can enter the musical world of Gordonian activities which prod imagination and give joy both to the child and the teacher".

Joanna Kazimierczak (mum of a 16-month old son, therapist, rhytmics instructor)

Sylwia Czopek, mum of 15-month-old Miłosz, nursery teacher

''I recommend the course 'How to teach music to babies & children aged 0-5 and why it's worth it' with all my heart! I am a mum and I work in a nursery. Up 'till now I sang a bit to my son or at work, but every time I did - a small voice in my head said that I lack 'voice/ability/skills in music.

Karolina's course allowed me to open my eyes (and ears) to the fact that the worst critic is inside me and blocks me from singing to children freely.

Karolina, thank You!!!''

About the author:

dr Karolina Kizińska

Mum to 6-year-old Amelia and 8-month-old Jacob, Doctor of Cultural Education in the field of Music Research, music teacher, pianist, choir conductor, certified teacher of the E.E. Gordon musicl learning theory with 15 years of experience.

The founder Of Kompozytornia Music School (, Fikamy i Gramy bez MAMY! Kids' Club and Fikamy i GRAMY! Kindergarten in Poznań, Poland, the owner of @Supermom Music Lab brand.

Awarded the Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of California, Berkeley, Music department.

Member of E.E.Gordon Association. She teaches parents to develop their children musically, as well as teachers who wish to conduct gordonian classes.  

This is what you will learn during the course:

Module 1: Benefits of music (Value: $30)

In Module 1 we will discuss why music is so important in child's development – what areas it influences, what value it brings. It will allow you to understand why it is worth to engage in daily music activities with children.

You will find out:

how music influences brain activity
which phenomena music helps to learn
which development areas music helps to support

Module 2: How can you teach music to a baby? (Value: $30)

In this Module we will figure out what many parents and teachers struggle to understand: how is it possible to teach music to babies? We will talk about the differences of formal and informal music education and why it is worth to surround the baby with music from the earliest days.

You will find out:

the difference between formal and informal education and why it is worth to know this
the role of a parent and caregiver in directing child's education and why it is crucial
what areas of development making music with children support

Module 3: E.E. Gordon and his musicl learning theory (MLT) (Value: $100)

In Module 3 we will introduce the figure of E.E. Gordon and his music learning theory. We will explain why his theory is the best available for developing children through music.

You will find out:

what MLT is, what it means to audiate and how it is relevant in making music with chidren
who E.E. Gordon is and how he will help avoid mistakes in guiding young child's musical development
the stages of learning music which you can observe in young child's development

Module 4: Critical periods (Value: $50)

In module 4 we will talk about critical periods – when they occur in the child's development and why it is important not to miss them. 

You will find out:

what critical periods are and why scientists emphasise their importance
what the best age to learn music is – don't listen to others!
What is the common derivative of surrounding a child with music and surrounding them with language from the first days of their lives?

Module 5: Learning music and learning language (Value: $50)

In this Module we will discuss similarities between learning music and native tongue. This will allow to understand the purpose and importance of providing an ample music environment from the beginning of the child's life.

You will find out:

what stages every child goes through when learning language and music
what a child's music dictionary is and why you need to make sure it is abundant
why varied music environment influences the content of the music dictionary and consequences follow in later stages of learning music – you can't turn back time!

Module 6: A little bit about myths (Value: $30)

Module 6 is a time to debunk several myths. We will discuss the harmfulness of certain views on talent and the consequences of describing a child as 'talented'.

You will find out:

whethera child needs to be talented to learn music, or what the teacher said
whether the parent or caregiver needs to be talented to teach their child music – dealing with 'I can't sing' doubts in parents and teachers
what is the difference between music aptitude and music achievement and why you need to differentiate between them
whether you have the right to refuse your child contact with music if their level of music skills is low – or why your childhood teacher should lose their job?

Module 7: Do's and don'ts (Value: $100)

Module 7 is pure gold – specific tools and advice on how to make music with children, what to avoid, what is important. This module gives you clear guidance on how to organise daily music activities.

You will find out:

why making music is devided into presenting melodies and rhytm, or what the chants are for
If singing is important and whether to sing high or low 
if movement matters when making music with children, or what is the deal with swaying, marching and dancing
if the child should listen to children's songs – do we like YouTube Simple Songs?
What is the deal with 'pam, pam, pam'?
What the colourful aids are for – these are music activities after all

MOREOVER: You get 33 videos with melodies and chants! (Value: $150)

Various melodies
Appealing rhythms
Unusual scales
Videos show a baby, so you know how to play with them!

If you join the course now you will get 4 awesome bonuses!

Bonus 1: Piano time (Value: $30)

Usually, making music with children involves spending a lot of time in the search for appropriate content... but this bonus allows you to engage in the music play in a few seconds.

This bonus is not only adding piano to vocals, but also using popular melodies which you already know!

All you need to do is open the video and listen and sing for or with children.

It is a highly practical, time-saving bonus which will bring you a lot of joy!

Bonus 2: Recording of the webinar 'How to introduce music to babies' (Value: $30)

In 15 years of helping parents and teachers in supporting the development of the little ones I have noticed it is better to introduce information in a number of ways, so they are easier to memorize.

Due to this I recorded my webinar where I talk about developing children musically. So that you can understand and implement the suggested tools better.

All you need is discussed yet again in the bonus video!

Bonus 3: Access to a private FB group (Value: $50)

By joining the course you also gain access to my closed FB group, where along with other parents and teachers we share our ideas for musical play with children, support in bettering musical activities and in moments of doubt.

Bonus 4: 'Gordonki' class online (Value: $50)

You don't have to leave the house - I bring the music class to You!

Watch how the class goes and implement some elements to your music activities with children! All you need are colourfull aids, and you will get the rest from me thanks to this special bonus video!

What do you get?

7 modules on video and 7 animated summaries which will provide everything you need to know about the role music plays in your child's life (Value: $540)
33 video examples of melodies and chants which will allow you to start making music with
children right away. In supporting the development of children, I use E.E. Gordon's music learning theory (value: $150)
My support and access via a dedicated Facebook group (value: $50)
Additional bonuses and surprises! (Value: $160)

The value of the entire course: $700

Special price of the course: $79 (almost 90% less!)

*Only 5 promotional packets left!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How quickly will I learn to make music with children?

The right answer is – it depends!

I'm not able to predict your pace and how accurately you follow this online course. What I can say is that during the last couple of years I was able to help many parents and teachers. In most cases, you can start making music right after completing all modules. Some start during the course.

Question 2: Do I need musical education?

No, you don't. Even if you are a layperson or think you are tone-deaf, you still can (you even must!) make music with children. In the course I explain in detail why it is possible, and above all, very important.

Question 3: Do I have to be able to sing?

No, you don't. I will encourage you to sing, but (as you will find out in the course), how well you do it is of secondary importance.

Question 4: How long will I have access to the course?

You have access indefinitely 🙂

Question 5: What support can I expect on Your part?

I am known for caring for my clients and their outcomes. That means that at any time during completing the course you need my support, feel free to email me at

Join the course and make the most of your child's potential!

Here is what you get if you join the course:

Module 1: Benefits of music (Value: $30)
Module 2: How can you teach music to a baby? (Value: $30)
Module 3: E.E. Gordon and his music learning theory (Value: $100)
Module 4: Critical periods (Value: $50)
Module 5: Learning music and learning language (Value: $50)
Module 6: A little bit about myths (Value: $30)
Module 7: Do's and don'ts (Value: $100)
Supplement: 7 animated summaries of each module 
 Workbook in pdf 

Bonus 1: Piano time (Value: $30)

Bonus 2: The webinar 'How to introduce music to babies' (Value: $30)

Bonus 3: Access to a private FB group (Value: $50)

Bonus 4: 'Gordonki' online class (Value: $50)

Value of the entire course: $700

Special price of the course: $79 (almost 90% less!)

Only 5 promotional packets left!

Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone - Kompozytornia sp. z o.o. - 2025 - Polityka prywatności

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